Insure Your Retirement!

Market Like Returns, 0% Downside Risk, & Tax Free Income!



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Financial Scenarios LLC and the Advisor that provided this document to you does not represent, warrant or guarantee financial or retirement planning performance or results. Nor does it represent, warrant, or guarantee that analysis of past financial performance can predict or is any indication of future financial performance.

Financial Scenarios LLC and the Advisor that provided this document to you does not recommend any particular asset allocation, security, or investment method nor does Financial Scenarios LLC or the Advisor that provided this document to you provide customized tax, legal, investment advice or strategies. Rates of return and calculations, if any, are for illustration purposes only and do not represent any specific investment results. Before taking any action, you should seek the advice of qualified legal counsel, accountants and professional advisors.


   Federal Government Debt reachs $76 Trillion 

 “The only people that will be taxed, to pay for this, will be the people with taxable income.

This is one of the main reasons that you will need to have tax free income rather than taxable income.

It is better to pay a small amount of taxes at today's lower rates rather than a huge amount of taxes at projected higher tax rates later in life!